Monday, July 23, 2012

Monday Overwhelm

Not sure if I have mentioned this yet but I am currently in the process of working on becoming more routined and making better use of my time so that I can accomplish more.  With that being said, it's Monday.  I actually like Mondays because they are fresh and feel like a new start.  I usually say that I'm going to get back to working out on Mondays, but here I sit, at 11:30 in the morning.  I have wasted the morning away looking at blogs and reading the news and scanning Pinterest.  I have a slight excuse of a mild stomach bug that makes me wish I could just lay here all day, but the truth is, I'm well enough to get up and get moving.

So I was about to, but then the Monday overwhelm hit me... WHERE DO I START?  So much to do: housecleaning, menu planning, grocery shopping, school lessons with my kids and much much more.  I have 11 hours to accomplish all this today, despite all the time I have already wasted.  As you can see.... the list of to do's is not at all exciting though, and so procrastination sets in.  I'm not going to let it win.  I really do hate the drudgery of these necessary things, but I need to get up and just do it.  The goal today is to get the house nice and clean and make a HEALTHY menu for the week and get the shopping done.  I'd also like to look at the budget if I'm feeling adventurous but let's not get too crazy!

I'll be back later with how it went.

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